
Análise Jurídica e Tipificação Equiparada ao Crime de Intolerância


  • Emanuelle Alves UniFacex
  • Kelli Cristina Lira de França


The present article has as its theme and research object, the comprehensive legal analysis of the typification of fatphobia equated to the crime of intolerance. The general objective is to examine, from a legal point of view, the criminalization of discrimination based on weight or physical appearance, exploring its consequences for the emotional and physical well-being of affected individuals, and to assess the effectiveness of existing legal policies in combating this form of intolerance. The two central issues addressed in this study are: How does fatphobia affect the mental and physical health of individuals? What is the role of public policies in mitigating fatphobia and promoting inclusion? Therefore, from a theoretical-legal perspective, an analysis of the impacts of fatphobia and its legal support within Brazilian legislation is approached, bringing an analysis of the principled and legislative basis, accompanied by pertinent judicial decisions, emphasizing the evaluation of legislative effectiveness in addressing fatphobia as a crime of intolerance. This study adopts a methodological approach based on bibliographic research, focusing on the critical analysis of doctrines, articles, laws, and jurisprudence related to fatphobia and its equating to the crime of intolerance. Through systematic review of specialized literature, the aim is to understand the theoretical and legal foundations underlying this phenomenon, aiming to contribute to a broader and well-founded understanding of the topic. It is concluded with this research that the need for effective specific public policies and legislations as main and fundamental tools in combating fatphobia, emphasizing the importance of educational and awareness-raising measures to create a more inclusive and tolerant society. The research points to the feasibility of such measures in promoting equality and mitigating the harmful effects of fatphobia.


2024-12-16 — Updated on 2024-12-18


How to Cite

Alves, E., & Lira de França, K. C. (2024). Gordofobia: Análise Jurídica e Tipificação Equiparada ao Crime de Intolerância. Revista De Direito UNIFACEX, 12(01). Retrieved from https://facex.emnuvens.com.br/direito/article/view/1209 (Original work published December 16, 2024)



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